BBWs Lenka and Leny wrestling in the BBW Fight Club
372,699 96%
12 years ago
Video Transcription
A jaké vaše méno, již kává hlavěk.
Jak dlouho se věnujete nějakému bojovýmu sportu a kýmu?
Karate, co si myslíte, že bude vaše výhoda před vaší soupeřkou?
A co byste jite vzkázat?
Takže, řeknete mi vaše jméno, běg, výšku a láhu.
22yroldbbc 7 years ago
I fucking love that they give their weights. I got to google weight conversions and convert Kg into pounds for each chick. Both these chicks were over 174 pounds.
I personally really like big girls, and see them all the time always wondering how much they weigh and what its like to fuck them with my dick. Im 172, so seeing a chick that 5'8 176 get man handled then fucked is really hot. I know can handle a girl over 200, I would be into wrestling with her too not even gonna lie
I personally really like big girls, and see them all the time always wondering how much they weigh and what its like to fuck them with my dick. Im 172, so seeing a chick that 5'8 176 get man handled then fucked is really hot. I know can handle a girl over 200, I would be into wrestling with her too not even gonna lie
